The Anchor Holds


The Anchor Holds is a book of two hundred devotionals. The author, Ron Crowe, has donated the intellectual property rights to Our Anchor Ministries, Inc., which receives all of the book’s profits.

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The Anchor Holds is a book of two hundred devotionals. The author, Ron Crowe, has donated the intellectual property rights to Our Anchor Ministries, Inc., which receives all of the book’s profits.

The Anchor Holds is a book of two hundred devotionals. The author, Ron Crowe, has donated the intellectual property rights to Our Anchor Ministries, Inc., which receives all of the book’s profits.


It is difficult for me to describe how surprised I was when the Lord gave me a vision to write a devotional book. Questions raced through my mind. “How can I write a book, since I habitually destroy the English language verbally? Where would I find topics for devotionals? Do I know enough about theology? Even if I could manage to write a book of devotionals, how would I get it published?” Then it hit me! Consideration of these questions was being disobedient. So, I told God that I would do as He said.

The Lord then gave me the rest of the vision. He said He would inspire each topic and the Scripture to use. He added that He wanted all of the proceeds from this book and later books to be used to aid in extending His kingdom. Our Anchor Ministries (OAM) is a non-profit corporation, which was created to receive and disperse all the funds according to the Lord’s will. God inspired the devotionals, so The Anchor Holds is His book.

Note that each devotional has an “Action” and a “Scripture Meditation” section. Each Action section contains suggested steps to take in applying the devotional thought. The Scripture Meditation section is for your reflections and is a list of each complete Bible verse(s) used within the devotional. Unless otherwise noted, the Scripture verses are taken from the New King James Version.

Most of us go through times when we need some good devotional thoughts regarding a specific topic. So be sure to refer to the “Index of Devotional Categories,” which begins on page 201. 

I would be remiss if I did not inform you that the writing and publishing of The Anchor Holds has been more than just a journey. It has been truly a humbling and spiritual journey. I am deeply humbled that the Lord trusted me to write His devotional book. His glory shone throughout the journey, as He was faithful in doing what He said He would do. I still feel the blessings of His love, mercy, grace, and guidance.

Oh, Satan and his minions tried hard to prevent The Anchor Holds from becoming a reality. But the Lord was in my corner and He is the Anchor of my soul. Every time I needed help, all I had to do was reach for His extended hand. Yet Satan continued to initiate battles, but he lost every single one. 

God is faithful in every way! I continue to feel the hallowed blessings of being comforted by the renewed closeness to Him and being in His protective arms. 

It is my prayer that you will be blessed in even greater ways as you read each devotional and glorify God by applying each devotional thought in The Anchor Holds. 


“The Anchor Holds gives the reader an excellent devotional experience designed to satisfy the longing for something stable in our lives. Through personal experience and confident study of God’s Word Ron shares with us an exceptional path to knowing more about our anchor in Christ. The Action and Scripture Meditation included in each devotional reading continually point the reader’s attention back to the certainty of God and His Word.”

— Dr. Kevin L. Cooper, Pastor, Grace Crossing Baptist Church

“Interesting! Accurate! Meaningful! Ron Crowe has done a magnificent job sharing the Word of God and the hope of the Gospel. He has beautifully shared the Scriptures and even given us an Action Plan to apply biblical truth to our lives. Plus, all proceeds go to Christian organizations doing good work! Be encouraged. Make a difference. Buy this book!”

— Stan Buckley, Founder and Executive Director of But God Ministries

Ron Crowe

Ron Crowe


Ron Crowe and his wife, Karen, are believers in Christ and have raised two sons who each along with their wives are raising two children. Ron is retired from a long career in governmental work and is known for his work in ethics oversight of state and local governmental officials and employees. One news outlet referred to him as “Mr. Ethics.” This unofficial title stuck and followed him into his retirement life. Ron also is a veteran of the U.S. Army and the National Guard.

Ron became a Christian over sixty years ago. For a number of years his maturing spiritually bounced between slow developing and stagnant. He even angrily ran from the Lord for two years, but God’s love was far greater and stronger than Ron’s anger. God brought him back into the fold. Ron learned that true joy comes from a deep faith in the Lord, and a deep faith results from regularly spending time with God and reading, meditating on, and applying His word. This proved to Ron that the spiritual maturation of each Christian never ceases.

Ron then served the Lord through evangelism and missions and as a deacon, deacon chairman, a Sunday School Teacher, and a member of numerous church committees. Later God led Ron and Karen to their present church where he serves the Lord as a deacon and in much the same ways as in his previous church.

Some medical issues began to limit Ron’s physical activity, so at age seventy-two he began to consider different ways he could still serve the Lord. God stepped in and in effect said, no problem, I want you to write a devotional book for publication and give all the proceeds to assist in funding mission and evangelism projects. The Lord also let Ron know that the financial part of the vision should be handled by a not-for-profit organization to be created. 

Through Ron’s obedience to the Lord, The Anchor Holds is the first project to bring funds into the newly created Our Anchor Ministries (OAM), which will distribute the proceeds pursuant to God’s instructions. Other books and fund sources for OAM are already in the formulation stage.

Ron will readily tell anyone that The Anchor Holds is God’s book because He inspired the creation of each devotional. Also Ron says that the vision given to him demonstrates that believers do not retire from serving God and that serving Him becomes even more joyful as believers age.


“I wanted to let you know that I bought another copy of The Anchor Holds for the minister who is getting ready to dedicate my new grandson. It will be a thank you gift for him. I'm reading it and want to thank Ron for writing it. Great Job!” — Joe McVey, UBS - Richmond, Virginia


“I especially like the organization of the book. Each topic is followed by action and scripture meditation. The book offers practical advice and is inspirational. I hope that I will become a better person by reading and practicing the devotionals. That is a mighty task. I am impressed by your wide knowledge of scripture and your strong faith. You are an inspiration to all of us.” — Caroline Murphy Hefferman - Worcester, Massachusetts


“This is a book of awesome devotionals which share God's Holy Word with encouragement for facing whatever comes our way in life, and emphasizes God's provision for all our needs. These devotionals lead us to glorify God. I love that an action is given with each one to draw us closer to God and also lead others to know Him too. Also, the specific scriptures suggested for meditation become planted in our minds and heart. The "icing on the cake" is the fact that ALL proceeds go not to the God-fearing author,Ron Crowe, but go to missions and evangelism! I know the author personally and the challenges he and his wife, Karen Wilder Crowe, experience and see a glimpse of their faith in these devotionals in THE ANCHOR HOLDS. — Kay McGregor Franklin - Tupelo, Mississippi


‘The Anchor Holds’ is our new favorite devotional book! Your presentation of God’s saving grace will prayerfully plant the seed of transferring lives, while the inspiring messages will be a daily encourager for a stronger walk with God. Delighted you included “Action and Scripture Meditation” with each devotional, along with the “Index of Devotional Categories”—very helpful. Have found this lacking with other devotional books and greatly needed. The book has been a great ministry to our friends who received it as our Christmas gift. Thank you for your ministry.” — Beth and Joe Young, D.D.S. - Jackson, Mississippi


“I have recommended this devotional book before, and each day I feel it needs to be recommended to everyone! I am reading two other devotional books, which are good in their own way, but this is the one I want to continue reading!! It is also available on Kindle, which puts it on your tablet and phone. So convenient, so comforting!” — Janice Cooper Beard - Meridian, Mississippi


“Lee and I both benefited from the words and encouragement in the ones we read (together). He especially like your “action” section. Thank you for your inspired and inspiring work. It made our devotional time helpful, enheartening, enlightening, and full of amazement at all our God has done through you.”
— Martha Stockstill - Jackson, Mississippi


“Tell Ron I am really into his book of devotionals. Each one delves deeply into scripture and is giving me what I need right now.” — Bonnie Blu Williams, Professor Emeritus, Mississippi College 


“The Anchor Holds is an inspiring and encouraging devotional book.  Each devotional addresses a relevant issue in our daily lives and gives an action plan that is soundly based on scripture.  Since using this book for daily devotionals, I have given several copies to young Christian friends to help strengthen their faith as they cope with challenges in their lives.  Many thanks to Ron for sharing these GOD inspired devotional truths.” — Lester Spell, Jr., D.V.M., Richland MS